Technology and Retirement Planning – A Conversation with Philippe Muntwyler from Caveo

July 14, 2024

Technology and Retirement Planning – A Conversation with Philippe Muntwyler from Caveo

In a recent conversation with Philippe Muntwyler, co-founder and CEO of Caveo, we delved into the world of technology-driven financial planning. Founded in 2019, Caveo aims to understand financial risks and provide suitable solutions. Read more

Home Financing and Mortgage Renewal: Tips and Strategies for Your Home

June 18, 2024

Home Financing and Mortgage Renewal: Tips and Strategies for Your Home

Deciding to finance a home is one of the biggest financial commitments you’ll make in your life. Whether you’re buying your dream home or looking to renew your existing mortgage, there are many factors to consider. Read more

The Importance of Financial Planning: Achieve Financial Security with the Caveo App

June 4, 2024

The Importance of Financial Planning: Achieve Financial Security with the Caveo App

In a world where financial uncertainties are ever-present, financial planning is crucial for a secure future. With the Caveo app, you now have a powerful tool at your side that helps you clearly identify and effectively manage your financial risks. Read more

Quantum leap for personal financial planning: Caveo launches an app for all finances that offers simple, optimised control over pensions, insurance and taxes - with a reminder function

March 20, 2024

Quantum leap for personal financial planning: Caveo launches an app for all finances that offers simple, optimised control over pensions, insurance and taxes - with a reminder function

Efficient analysis, management, and optimization of pensions, insurance, and taxes via app. Caveo enables a robo-advisor-based, personalised, and tax-optimised financial strategy with a reminder function that covers all pension assets and insurance policies. Read more

Why Self-Employed Individuals Should Reevaluate Their Insurance and Pension Strategies – A Guide by Caveo

March 14, 2024

Why Self-Employed Individuals Should Reevaluate Their Insurance and Pension Strategies – A Guide by Caveo

Embarking on self-employment is thrilling yet fraught with challenges, especially concerning financial security. Initially, budgets are often tight, and costly insurance and pension solutions seem out of reach. However, it's crucial to minimize financial risks during this phase. Discover how, with a few adjustments and the right advice, you can secure your future. Read more

Why Entrusting Your Tax Return to a Professional Pays Off – The Caveo Approach

February 20, 2024

Why Entrusting Your Tax Return to a Professional Pays Off – The Caveo Approach

It's that time of the year again – tax season. For many, it's a dreaded task that's often procrastinated. But did you know that getting your tax return professionally prepared can save you not just time but also money? At Caveo, we go a step further than typical service providers. Discover why it's worth having a pro from Caveo handle your tax return. Read more

How to Optimize Your Vesting Benefits for a Brighter Future

February 14, 2024

How to Optimize Your Vesting Benefits for a Brighter Future

In today's world, taking charge of your financial future has never been more critical. Especially for women who have chosen to pause their careers to dedicate time to their families, understanding retirement planning options is crucial. One often overlooked opportunity is the optimal utilization of vesting benefits. But how can you ensure that your hard-earned money continues to work for you, even when you're not actively in the workforce? Read more

Does your insurance advisor want to advise you? Or sell you something?

January 26, 2024

Does your insurance advisor want to advise you? Or sell you something?

Imagine you are sick and go to the doctor. He has an exclusive contract with a single pharmaceutical manufacturer and sells you only their products. Regardless of whether they are the best on the market or not. Strange idea? Well, in the insurance market, this is exactly the standard. Read more

Here's a completely unromantic blog post about getting married.

January 5, 2024

Here's a completely unromantic blog post about getting married.

Bravo, Switzerland! We are truly proud of our progressive country, which introduced marriage for all on July 1, 2022. As with women's suffrage, we are a truly progressive pioneering nation Read more

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