
You need insurance. Representatives do not.

Traditional pension advice works like this: someone comes to your home and talks you into as much as possible. The insurance company and agent earn money from this - and you pay.

High time to change this.

Analyze your pension provision yourself

What are the benefits of the Caveo pension analysis?

Short answer: a lot very quickly.

Longer answer: Take a few minutes and tell us how much you earn, how much you have already paid into your pension, what your family situation is like, etc.

We will then show you individually where you have gaps in your pension provision, for example, how you can protect your loved ones or yourself in the event of disability.


It's about your life

Whether birth, house purchase or further training: We take into account what is important to you.

Finding solutions instead of pushing products

Many insurance conversations revolve around a quote. Instead, we help you find out what you need.

Less risk, more fun

Thanks to us, you build up your assets and protect yourself. Both will give your future self serenity.

Who is the Caveo pension analysis for?

Basically for anyone who doesn't have billions in their account. However, it is ideal if you know

  • ... that you are not immortal.
  • ... that a pillar 3a has nothing to do with Roman temples.
  • ... that taxes don't go down if you swear when you pay in.

100 % digital, 100 % transparent, 100 % Caveo.

With the Caveo pension calculator, you can find out for yourself what you need. We don't come to you to talk you into something, but offer you simple software that makes retirement planning almost fun.

How to achieve better prevention

Analyze your pension provision yourself

1. Have risks analyzed

You enter your data and quickly receive a personal pension analysis. Simple and easy-to-understand graphics show you any gaps in your retirement, disability and death cover.

All clear

Then simply start the pension analysis. Otherwise, we will be happy to help you personally. You can reach us by phone or e-mail.

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