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What insurance does my baby need?


What insurance does my baby need?

You are new parents or will be soon? Congratulations! We explain here which insurances you should adjust and which new ones your offspring will need.

The nursery is all set up and emotions and excitement are running high. Having children is probably the moment we will never forget. But wait a minute; what about insurance actually? Yes, the birth of a child also brings with it some administrative tasks. 

Because in addition to parental protection, the little offspring must of course also be well and sufficiently insured. You will also need to adjust some of your existing insurance policies. The following is a list of what you need to do. 

1. health insurance - basic insurance

At the latest three months after the birth, the toddler or toddler should be insured with a basic health insurance. The basic insurance covers various costs such as basic vaccinations for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis or polio. Vaccinations for mumps, measles and rubella are also covered. Also covered are regular medical examinations and - after the first year of life - any visual aids. 

2. health insurance - supplementary insurance 

If you don't want to resort to conventional medicine for minor ailments, a supplementary insurance for alternative medicine may be worthwhile. Such "gentle" treatments are not paid by the basic insurance. 

3. health insurance - dental insurance 

The teeth of the little ones are always a topic: First of all during "teething", which can cause many sleepless nights. Then in the matter of milk teeth, and finally when the second teeth are there. Corrections to the dentition are very frequent, and braces can quickly cost five-figure sums. Therefore, a dental insurance is worthwhile in any case. The best thing to do is to take out dental insurance before the first appointment. 

4. private liability 

Yes, you heard right: Private liability insurance for children is worthwhile! Because as soon as they wiggle through the world on their own two feet and slowly but surely explore it on their own... Break a vase here, and spill a glacé there. And usually on the most expensive carpet. 

5. household contents

Home insurance is important when having children. Because the many new acquisitions in the children's room makes the value of the household skyrocket. Therefore, it is essential to take out an insurance policy or to adjust the sum insured of the existing household insurance. 

5. life insurance 

The baby does not (necessarily) need life insurance. But the parents do. Because a household with one or more children automatically costs more. So that in the event of disability or death of the main breadwinner is still financially provided for everything (including childcare), both parents should take out a life insurance policy.  

Admittedly - that's quite a bit of paperwork. But the good news: as a Caveo customer, we take care of it and make sure your offspring is perfectly insured. Get the app and a free consultation now! 

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