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Talk about boring things.


Talk about boring things.

What the most successful series has to do with boring preventive care.

How many times have you recommended movies, series, music or an exhibition? Too many times to remember exactly. That's all well and good, after all, we're all happy about good entertainment.

Thanks to recommendations, for example, Squid Game (great series, by the way) became a super hit. 142 million accounts watched the show within four weeks of its launch. But now imagine if you could help a poor, indebted person like the main character instead. Only in real life. How? With a recommendation.

This is possible - and only without mysterious invitations and dangerous games. By talking about your provision. Yes, now you roll your eyes and say: "Nobody wants to hear that from me! 

That may be true. But you can also look at it this way: If you and other people take smarter precautions, you can retire earlier. And binge-watch series for years until you've streamed your way to the end of the Internet. 

The fact is: many Swiss people don't take enough care of their pension provision. And that can be really expensive. As much as we at Caveo like drama on the big screen, it doesn't have to be in real life. 

So it's worth it if you recommend us. Whether it's among friends, relatives, or whomever (you don't have to talk about precautions on a first date, though): Mention us and help someone more than with a series tip.

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