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Stay cool. And stay invested.


Stay cool. And stay invested.

Stay cool. And stay invested.

What does that have to do with you? Hopefully a lot. Because if everything goes well, you take precautions and pay into your Pillar 3a every year. And if everything goes even better, you invest your money instead of leaving it in an account. Because in the long term, stocks beat cash by worlds. If you can invest for 10, 20 or even 30 years, you can look forward to significantly higher returns on the stock market.

But to profit from the price gains, two things are important: patience and discipline. After all, the stock market is very fickle and sometimes swings violently to the downside. Like last year. Of course it hurts when your portfolio slips into the red. Many people then lose patience and sell their securities - when prices are at their lowest.

Others try to time the market and get in and out in time. This can sometimes be very successful, but at the latest since Mike Shiva's death, it has become difficult to see into the future. For most of us, staying invested remains the best strategy. If you pay into the third pillar every month by standing order, you profit when prices are low. Then you get more fund shares for your money and really profit when the stock market rises again.

The best thing to do is to define your investment strategy (together with us, if you like) and stay cool. We can also help you with the latter, because precautionary talks are as soothing as valerian tea. Just call 044 278 80 60 or book an appointment with us directly.

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