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Pension Fund Purchases in Zurich: Your Guide to Smart Provision and Tax Savings


Pension Fund Purchases in Zurich: Your Guide to Smart Provision and Tax Savings

Welcome to Zurich, where the tax laws are as complex as a Swiss watch – but don't worry, we have the key to solve this puzzle for you. In this guide, you will learn everything important about purchases in pension funds and the capital payouts that follow, based on the exciting Federal Court ruling of March 12, 2010, and the wisdom of the Swiss Tax Conference.

The Federal Court Ruling: A Decision That Turns More Than Just Your Provision Wheels

On March 12, 2010, the Federal Court turned the tax world upside down a little with the ruling 2C_658/2009 – in the field of provision purchases. This judgment could make your provision planning more exciting than a season of your favorite series.

§ 31 Abs. 1 lit. d StG: Your Financial Swiss Army Knife

This paragraph allows you to deduct contributions to professional provision institutions from your income. Sounds almost as good as a coupon for free chocolate, right?

Art. 79b Abs. 3 BVG: Not Just a Number Combination, But Your Provision Secret Code

This article states that benefits from provision purchases cannot be converted into capital too quickly. Imagine it's like a good wine – it needs time to unfold.

Practical Example: How to Keep Cool When Saving Taxes

For example: In 2023, you pay CHF 15,000 into your pension fund. This amount is tax-deductible. However, the offset comes into play if you receive a capital benefit within three years of the purchase. In this case, the purchase amount of CHF 15,000 is considered in the tax calculation, meaning that the tax advantage is reversed.

A Little Tip for the "Small" Amounts

There is an important exception: For purchases up to CHF 12,000 per year, an offset is waived. This allows you to invest within this framework without risking an increase in taxable income. However, note that this is not an allowance.

Your Conclusion: Be Smart, Stay Informed, and Save

Understanding is half the rent – and that also applies to provision planning. Do you have questions or need individual advice? Then get support from your Caveo provision experts.

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