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Invite friends and receive a CHF 100.- tax voucher 😊


Invite friends and receive a CHF 100.- tax voucher 😊

As a thank you for your loyalty, we would like to give you "something" in return. Therefore: It pays to recommend us! Tell your friends and acquaintances about Caveo and we'll give you a Caveo tax return voucher worth CHF 100 for every successful referral*.

Thank you for being a Caveo customer and perhaps already a "Caveo fan"! 😊

As a thank you for the trust in us, we would like to give you something back. That's why it pays to recommend us! Tell your friends and acquaintances about Caveo and we'll give you a Caveo-tax return voucher worth CHF 100 for every successful referral*.

How it works

Ask your friends: Send the referral link (see picture) via WhatsApp, SMS or mail to your friends - that's it.

Important: Caveo app customers must be of legal age and reside in Switzerland.


Your friends benefit from Caveo

As soon as a person recommended by you has registered with Caveo , your "referral" is assigned directly to you. 

Reward after completion

Once the person you referred has successfully signed on to Caveo, you will receive your " tax return voucher" for your tax return with Caveo. 

We would be very happy to receive an active recommendation from you - become a Caveo fan 🥰

Your Caveo Team



*Successful referral: Your referral has signed the broker mandate with Caveo. 

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