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Have you seen our "Bye-Bye Paperwork" feature?


Have you seen our "Bye-Bye Paperwork" feature?

With our new "My Documents" function, you’ll finally be able to throw away your old paper folder: With just a few clicks, you can store your most important financial documents (e.g. tax returns or pension fund statements, etc.) in your app and can access them digitally, at the touch of a button, no matter where you are. And of course we’ve made sure all your data is stored on Swiss servers according to the highest security standards.

And remember...

With our app, you can leave the tedious paperwork in the hands of the professionals: whether it's helping you finding the right pension solution, changing your of address or the cancellation of a current contract - Caveo takes care of the correspondence with your insurers or pension providers for you.

Be Clever & Digital - Be a Caveo’ian

We from Caveo are always at your disposal – be that via chat, per telephone, video call or enjoy a coffee at our offices in Zurich! At your request, we’ll obtain quotes and offers to improve your pension or insurance portfolio, and you can sign and return contracts directly in the app. Bye bye “printing, signing, sending a document per post only to wait weeks to receive an answer”, and hello Caveo! ✌️

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