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Fight old-age poverty!


Fight old-age poverty!

Two ways to reduce retirement poverty on May 1. :-)

It's very simple. You can dress in black, demonstrate and ideally smash a few shop windows. In this way, you make an extremely valuable contribution to a fairer future in this country. Many poor people will profit directly from this. You will also be a shining example that will inspire many others. 

Another, less revolutionary and much more capitalistic approach is that of Caveo. You can use all your energy to take care of your own future and - watch out, it's getting a bit cozy - to invest in your pension plan

Sorry to interrupt the May 1st procession, but our pension system is poorly financed. Our society is getting older and older, so it is quite possible that the AHV age will rise at some point.

Unfortunately, it is also not quite true that money grows on trees. And winning the lottery is one thing; it's not all that likely that you, of all people, will win millions.

And that's where we come in - today on the holiday. Our risk cockpit is shamelessly exploited by us capitalists. It has to work 24/7 and gets no pay. Nevertheless, it is amazingly productive. It shows you in a few minutes whether you have enough retirement capital and what risks you are taking.

Just try it out: RiskCockpit

If you have any questions, we are of course happy to help. But only tomorrow, today is a holiday.

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