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You want to become a tramp pilot? Then you have to pass a driving aptitude test and must not have a criminal record - otherwise you can't carry passengers.

That's all exhausting, isn't it? So something much simpler: become a financial expert. You'll need YouTube, Instagram and Spotify, but no qualifications. The title is not protected and you can call yourself an expert even if you don't know the difference between stocks and bonds.

What's the problem? We don't begrudge anyone who manages to turn their dream into a business. But while banks, asset managers and insurance companies have strict requirements and quality controls, the expertise of self-appointed experts is not always guaranteed.

Especially when stock market prices are rising, everyone thinks they are great investors. Unfortunately, you only find out how good investment tips are when it's too late and the losses are there. Or as Warren Buffett (a true financial expert!) put it so well, "It's only when the tide goes out that you see who's swimming naked."

So who should you listen to? It's best never to listen to one person, but to several different ones. That minimizes the risk. You should also be aware that many so-called "advisors" are actually salesmen and make bank-owned products palatable to you, for example, because they themselves earn money from them.

There are also seals of approval: We at Caveo are members of Cicero, the Association Romande des Intermédiaires Financers, the FinanzPlaner Verband Schweiz and the Ombudsman's Office for Financial Service Providers. This means that we not only have expertise, but you can also be sure that we regularly attend further training courses. 

But the best thing you can do is simply test our advice - it's free of charge and without obligation: simply download our app at caveo.ch.

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