Excel for Influencers: A few business thoughts
Do you want to live off your Reach and think TikTok is cooler than Excel? Understandable. If you want to know how your videos go viral and whether you should get your grandparents to give you followers for your birthday, we can't help you.
Influences and the Me-AG: what you need to know.
Want to make a living from your Reach and think TikTok is cooler than Excel? Understandable. If you want to know how your videos go viral and whether your grandparents should give you followers for your birthday, we can't help you.
But because we know a thing or two about retirement planning and insurance, here are a few points that are very important to self-employed business success:
You need a company
If you market yourself and earn money, you have to pay taxes on it. So you should think about which legal form makes sense for you. This blogpost will help you with that.
At some point you will look old
Not only that: eventually you will be too. Maybe there's no TikTok anymore or you prefer to have Excel spreadsheets until then. Especially with a very new job like influencer, nobody knows what the future holds. So you should, if you can, pay into your pension plan. There are pillar 3a, pension funds and investment solutions.
Break a leg!
What can go wrong, will go wrong at some point. And as an entrepreneur, you bear risks. For example, that you are not only flat-lining, but also that no money is coming in.
So it's worth thinking about insurance policies that will pay for at least part of your income if you can't.
For all these questions, which are probably boring for you, we can advise you and give you many tips. Free of charge and without obligation, of course. In return, feel free to check out our Instagram account @caveo_schweiz and tell us how to finally get to a million followers. Deal?
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