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Does your insurance advisor want to advise you? Or sell you something?


Does your insurance advisor want to advise you? Or sell you something?

Imagine you are sick and go to the doctor. He has an exclusive contract with a single pharmaceutical manufacturer and sells you only their products. Regardless of whether they are the best on the market or not. Strange idea? Well, in the insurance market, this is exactly the standard.

Why it's not a good idea to have all your insurance policies with one company

Imagine you are sick and go to the doctor. He has an exclusive contract with a single pharmaceutical manufacturer and sells you only their products. No matter if they are the best on the market or not. Strange idea? Well, in the insurance market this is exactly the standard.

If "your" insurance advisor is employed somewhere, he will propose you only the insurances of his employer. No matter if they are the best or not.

Imagine further that you have a sore throat, circulatory problems, depression, a sprained ankle, or vision problems. Is there one doctor or physician who is number one in all areas? Probably not

In the same way, there is hardly any insurance company that is number 1 for liability, household contents, vehicle insurance, legal protection, travel insurance and old-age provision.

Sure, now you'll say, it's much more convenient if I have everything in one place. Then I only need one contact person, one app and everything is taken care of. In that case, you don't know Caveo yet. Because that's exactly what we offer you. Except that we guarantee you "real" insurance advice. Because we obtain several offers for every insurance and pension solution. We also compare them and help you make your choice. Because what may be perfect for customer A, because she is financially well padded and the risk of damage is low, is not suitable for customer B, who lives frugally and has a greater risk.

In addition, we at Caveo do not receive a closing premium for most insurance policies, only annual brokerage fees. So we never urge you to renew a good current insurance policy. We have no incentive to do so.

Our independence allows us to represent your interests and give you honest advice. The best way to find out what difference this makes is to let us check your insurance and pension portfolio. Free of charge and without obligation, we will give you an assessment of whether you have any gaps, are over-insured or whether there might be a better offer on the market.

Simply contact us via +41 44 278 80 60 or broker@caveo.ch.

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