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Do you already know your 2022 tax optimization potential?


Do you already know your 2022 tax optimization potential?

In Switzerland, there are many different types of taxes - but also plenty of opportunities to save taxes. There are two ways to do this: by buying into the pension fund or paying into the 3rd pillar. Read here which tricks you can use to save taxes through pension provision.

How to save taxes with your pension fund

Our practical experience shows that many people do not know that taxes can be saved with a pension fund purchase, i.e. a voluntary purchase into the 2nd pillar. You can find your personal maximum amount for a purchase on your pension certificate under "Possible additional purchase". Due to the tax progression, it is also advisable to spread the purchase over several years. In this way, you can save more taxes than by making a single large purchase.

How to save taxes with your pension plan 3a

Unfortunately, too few working people still take care of how to "properly" provide and save for their retirement. How do you do that? Quite simply - by paying into pillar 3a. Because paying into it significantly reduces your tax burden. Currently, the maximum deduction for employees is CHF 6'883 (as of 2022). Would you like an example? If your marginal tax rate is 30 %, you can save approximately CHF 2'000 in taxes by paying in CHF 6'883 per year. And the best: You can repeat this simple tax optimization every year.

Everything too complicated and you only understand financial Japanese? 


We have a simple solution

Are the terms marginal tax rate, purchase into the pension fund, etc. too complicated for you? But you still want to know your tax optimization potential 2022, then we have for you at Caveo the most efficient solution in Switzerland.

Here's how you can let us calculate your tax optimization potential 2022:

  • Open "My Documents" in your profile (app or desktop).

  • Click on the + and upload your current tax return
  • Click on the + and upload your current pension fund statement

Done 😊

Afterwards, a Caveo financial advisor will contact you to discuss the first indicative tax optimization options. Simple, efficient and easy to understand. Be Clever & Digital - be a Caveoaner...

Important: All your data is stored on Swiss servers according to the highest security standards.

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