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Bye Bye tax clutter 2021. Hello Caveo


Bye Bye tax clutter 2021. Hello Caveo

To file a tax return, you have to be a philosopher; it's too difficult for a mathematician (Albert Einstein)

We are sure that Einstein would have understood our tax system. But would he still have had time for his theory of relativity? If you have more important things to do than to fill out your tax return every year, then our tax experts would be happy to help!

But what's the advantage of having an expert fill out your tax return? 

  • You can use your time more wisely
  • Our experts get the most out of your situation
  • We also advise you on how to best optimize your tax situation in the future
  • We take care of the administration and paper work, so that you can do more exciting things
  • In addition, we offer you a one-time discount of 10% on your 2021 tax return

What do you have to do?

  • Download & fill out the checklist
  • Compile the documents according to the checklist and send them to us.
  • Sign the completed tax return and send it to the tax office.
  • ✅ All done

To make it even easier, you will find the checklist with all the information we need to prepare your tax return attached.

Do you have questions about your taxes? We'll be happy to advise you - just book an appointment with your Caveo financial planner.

Checkliste-Steuererklärung-Caveo_DE.pdf downloadChecklist-Tax-Caveo-ENG.pdf download

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