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Have you already paid in your 2022 pension contributions?
The maximum permitted "2023 tax deduction" under pillar 3a is now 7056 francs (2022: 6883) for people who already have a 2nd pillar (pension fund), or 35 280 francs (2022: 34 416) for people without a 2nd pillar.
Our pension tip: The end of the year is approaching - and if you still want to pay into your pension, we recommend that you do so by December 22, 2022.
You can deduct these payments from your taxable income - so you save taxes and provide for later at the same time! 🤗
Don't you have a pension plan yet or do you need support? Then we are at your disposal at any time. Simply contact us at
If you are not yet sure whether and which form of pension makes sense for you, do your own pension analysis here:
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